
CHAPTER Ill THE MANNER IN WHICH OUR LORD JESUS IS COMING AGAIN T HAT our Lord Jesus is coming again is generally admitted among all who really believe in the Bible, but there is a wide diversity of opinion as to how He is coming again. However, if one will go to the Bible to find out what it teaches, in­ stead of trying to read his own views into the Bible, there are many things about the Manner of His Coming which are perfectly plain. I. First of all, it is perfectly plain that His coming will be personal. That is to say, it is not merely the coming of some great revival, or moral reformation, or social uplift, or the disclosure of some new truth, but the com­ ing of our Lord_Jesus Himself. In His prom­ ise to His disdples on the night of His cruci­ fixion, He snid, '' I will come again.'' And the context clearly shows that He meant that

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