and glories that He works that we long for, but for Jesus Himself. As much as we rejoice in His works, it is Himself that we long for; it is Himself that we must have; and it is Himself that we shall have. Suppose a bride groom had left bis bride and gone into a dis tant land to prepare a home for her, assur ing her that in due time he would himself re turn for her to take her to the home that he had gone to prepare. Every now and then be has sent her some gift as a remembrance and a token of bis continued love. One day a friend calls upon the bride and finds her eagerly looking forward to the day when the bridegroom himself shall return for her. After listening to her declaration of her long ing for the return of the loved one, be says to her, "You must not expect a personal re turn of your husband. When be told you he would come again, he did not refer to a per sonal return. Has he not sent you many gifts as tokens of his loveT'' ''Yes.'' ''Well it is not for himself that you must look-you must learn to see him and be satisfied with him as coming to you more and more in the gifts which he is sending you from time to time." What would the bride reply7 She would answer, "I do not desire bis gifts. I
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