am longing for himself." And it is for JEsus HIMSELF that the true believer is long ing. We cannot be satisfied with him as com ing more and more in the richer experiences of grace that are constantly coming to us by · the power of the Holy Spirit. We long for Himself and we must have Himself and we shall have Himself. ''This very Jesus, which was taken up into heaven shall so come in like manner" as He was seen to go into heaven. II. The verses already quoted make clear a second thing about the coming again of our Lord, that is, He shall come BODILY AND VIS IBLY. He "shall so come in Uke manner as" He was seen going into heaven (Acts 1 :11). By any fair interpretation this can mean nothing short of a visible and bodily coming. It may mean more than·that. It cannot mean less. It has been said that the expression ''so come in like manner" only indicates the cer tainty of His coming, and has nothing to do with the manner of His Coming, but the Greek words thus translated will not admit of this construction. The literal translation of the Greek words is ''Thus shall come in the man ner which," and the form of expression is never used anywhere to indicate mere cer tainty, but always to indicate manner. In the
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