The wl'iter an optimist-His optimism defined-The true doctrine or the Advent Is: A safeguard against error-The most precious truth. Paue... 7 OH.APTER I. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TRUTH THAT Otra Lom, JESUS IS COMING AGAIN. The frequency or Its mention-Its emphasis as the comfort or saints and the blessed hope of the be liever-It Is peculiarly obnoxious to the worldly -It Is the incentive to service, watchfulness and separation-Four stages of the author's expe rience-The transformation wrought In him by the apprehension of the doctrine. Page. • . 13 OH.APTER II. TnE CERT~UNTY THAT Oun LORD JEsus 1s COMING AGAIN. It Is repeatedly and explicitly affirmed by the Word of God-It Is distinguished as a coming "a second ti-me"-It Is not synonymous with death -It Is not the Coming or the Holy Spirit-It did not occur at the destruction of Jerusalem-It lies yet in the future. Pag•. . • e6 OH.APTER III. THE :MANNER IN WHICH Oun LORD JEsus 1s Co.MING AGAIN. Personally-Bodlly and visibly-In three stages With great publicity-In' great power and glory -With His holy angels-Suddenly and unan- nounced. Page. • • Sf;
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