


very manner in which they had seen Him go would He come again. He had gone from their sight bodily and visibly. They had "beheld Him going into heaven" and should behold Him coming' again. Furthermore, in Heb. 9 :28 we read, '' So Christ also, having been once o:ffered to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time, apart from sin, to them that wait for Him, unto salvation." The Greek word translated "shall appear" means literally "shall be seen." The word admits of no significance but that of seeing with the eye. If possible, it is even clearer in Rev. 1 :7, "Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him. 11 Once at the close of a sermon on the Second Com­ ing of Christ, a devoted disciple of Pastor Russell and his Millenial Dawn vagaries ap­ proached me and said, ''You do not think, do you, that Jesus when He comes again will actually be seen with the eyef" I replied, "It does not matter what I think, the only ques­ tion is, what does God's Word sayf and God says in so many words in His Word, ''Be­ hold He cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see Him. 11 Of course this does not fit in with the teaching of the Millenial Dawn books, that He has already come, nor does it

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