in His undimmed glory and shall perfectly reflect it. Our Lord then, when we are trans formed into His perfect likeness, spiritually as well as bodily, shall be ''glorified in His saints," not merely glorified by us but glori fied in us. His glory shall be fully revealed in what we are in that day (TI Thess. 1 :10). Not only shall He be manifested in all the fullness of His glory, but we also together ·itll Hirn shall be "manifested in glory" (Col. 3:4, R. V). Oftentimes, when laboring to uplift those who have fallen deeply into sin, and whose character has been so dis figured by the wicked life that they have led that the process of salvation has been hin dered by many a discouraging fall, and I have felt tempted to give up the battle for their redemption, I have taken new courage as I have thought of I John 3 :2, and have said to myself, ''though this one you are trying to save now seems so little like the Lord that it seems a waste of time to do anything more to help him, still some day, when our Lord comes and he gets one glimpse of Him as He is, he shall be transformed into His per fect image that he shall be just like Him.'' And oftentimes when discouraged over my own failures, and almost overwhelmed with
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