


In the truth concerning our Lord's Return is the safeguard against all current heresies, errors and falsehoods. One error after an­ other is arising to deceive, if it were possible, even the very elect. One who knows the truth clearly revealed in God's Word concerning the Second Coming of Christ is proof against them all. For example, no one who knows the truth concerning the Second Coming of Christ could possibly be misled by Christian Science, Millenial Dawnism, Occultism, Theosophy or Behaism. It is remarkable how all forms of error touch the doctrine of Christ's Second Coming, and are shattered by the truth re­ vealed about it in the Scriptures. Those who are ignorant of what the Word teaches con­ cerning the Second Coming of Christ may fancy that they see in Madame Besant's "Or­ der of the Star of the East'' a preparation for the coming of Christ, but those who know the truth know that it is a preparation for the welcoming of the Antichrist, the Devil's imi­ tation Christ. The truth of our Lord's Return is the most precious truth the Bible contains. It fills the heart of the believer with joy, and girds him with strength ~or the battle. It lifts him above the sorrows and fears and

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