


hath spoken it" (Micah 4:3, 4). Then and only then will be realjzed what the greatest statesmen of the present day are trying to work out. Now we have our ''Peace Confer­ ences" and our gatherings at The Hague, and they have accomplished something, but they will prove utterly futile to accomplish all that is in the mind and heart of our greatest statesmen. While we talk peace, we are increasing our navies and our armies. We are squandering untold millions in schemes for destroying the lives of our fel­ low men and for the protection and exten­ sion of our own nation. We talk of disarm­ ament, but we all know it is not coming. All our present peace plans will end in the most awful wars and conflicts this old world ever saw, but none the less there is a good day coming when war shall be at an end, when there shall be universal peace, when there shall no longer be conflict between nation and nation, nor between class and class, when there will be no more strikes, because strikes will not be needed; when industrial wars, as well as wars between nations, will be over and peace and plenty shall reign; when the prophetic vision of the Psalmist will be re­ alized, "In his days shall the righteous.flour-

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