American Business Brokers & Advisors - October 2023

SUDOKU (SOLUTION ON PG. 4) Take a Break!

ATTENTION CONVENIENCE STORE OWNERS! If you are an owner of a convenience store or chain of convenience stores, American Business Brokers & Advisors has a 90% success rate in the selling of the businesses they engage with. Even in today’s marketplace with higher interest rates and the possibility of a recession, convenience stores are still selling for top dollar. If you have been thinking about the possibility of stepping away from your business, now is the time to contact us so that you can get the information you need to make the decision whether you want to sell at the top while the market is paying top dollar. American Business Brokers & Advisors is projected to complete $1 billion of businesses sold by 2024. Contact to learn more information about how you can get Top Dollar for your convenience stores.

(All inquiries are held in strict confidence.)

TERRY’S QUOTE OF THE DAY “The easiest way to teach children the value of money is to borrow some money from them.” –Anonymous “You may be a redneck if you … have spent more on your pickup truck than your education.” –Jeff Foxworthy


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negotiate with insurance companies, but I didn’t, and it cost me a lot of money and grief. It distracted me from my job of helping my convenience store clients who depend on my expertise in negotiating for them in helping them step away from their business. There is a moral to this story, and it is that as good as I may believe I am at being a professional intermediary, I need to stay in the field I am knowledgeable about and not try to work in a field I do not know anything about. This is the same advice I have been giving for years to business owners who think because they have sold a vehicle or a piece of real estate or maybe a business in their past, they can sell their own business. Yes, they may get the job done of representing themselves, but I am pretty sure it will cost them more money, as it did me. It will be a distraction and not an enjoyable event in their life, as I have just experienced with Hurricane Ian, and instead, they should continue to do what they do best, which is run their business and let the experts in their field do what they do best. –Terry Monroe







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