
There was deep silence as the words floated out over the deck and the quiet river. Every heart was touched! When the song was ended, a man came up to Mr. Sankey and asked, "Did you ever serve in the Union Anny?" Mr. Sankey said "Yes." Then the man asked, "Do you remember doing guard duty on a bright moon­ light night in 1862?" "Yes," replied Mr. Sankey. "Well," said the stranger, "I was serving in the Con­ federate Army. I, too, was out doing guard duty that night. I saw you standing at your post. I raised my gun and took aim at you. I was hidden in the shadows. You were standing with the full light of the moon fall­ ing on you. I was ready to pull the trigger when you raised your eyes to heaven and began to sing: "Saviour, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tender care!" When I heard that song, I couldn't shoot you!" My friend, the Saviour came from heaven's glory to redeem you, and then in love and tender care to lead you to that wonderful home which He has prepared for you. Is there a "Bethlehem" in your heart and life to which the Lord Jesus Christ may come? If He has come, then are you letting your Shepherd lead you in tenderest care that your pilgrimage may redound to His .honor and glory, and you may one day enter with joy and rejoicing into that home in heaven?


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