Atlas PT. September Newsletter

From Garrett: “I have been on a movie kick as of late, visiting the theaters to see films such as Toy Story 4, Spider-man: Homecoming, and The Art of Racing in the Rain. All of these movies were great, and I highly recommend seeing all of them. Personally, my favorite of the three was The Art of Racing in the Rain. Me and my wife both read the book that the movie is based on, so we had to see it, and it honestly did the book justice! Fair warning, if you do see it bring some tissues, but it’s definetly worth the price of admission.”




• Name That Year • Patient Success Spotlight

• Build Your Upper Body Strength! • Tasty Recipe

From Garrett: “I have been on a movie kick as of late, visiting the theaters to see films such as Toy Story 4, Spider-man: Homecoming, and The Art of Racing in the Rain. All of these movies were great, and I highly recommend seeing all of them. Personally, my favorite of the three was The Art of Racing in the Rain. Me and my wife both read the book that the movie is based on, so we had to see it, and it honestly did the book justice! Fair warning, if you do see it bring some tissues, but it’s definetly worth the price of admission.”

The Summer of Sanner Birthdays is in full swing! We celebrated with Jake and his wife Rachel for their birthdays in July. TJ decided he wanted crabs for his birthday in August, so we hosted an “impromptu” crab feast and cook out that Friday after work. We pushed some work benches together, borrowed chairs, and had friends and Atlas family over to pick! TJ got some great gifts including the “Leg Lamp” from The Christmas Story and a fun black peel off skin mask which everyone tried.

(Continued Inside)

WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND ATLAS PT? Happy first and final swim meet to Samantha! She was cleared to be with the team after 9 weeks of healing her broken arm. She attended practice every morning (the norm seems to be 50% attendance), and swam her heart out! She won a heat ribbon, her first ever! We enjoyed our Taco in a Bag from the parent run concession stand (I diced 4 lbs of tomatoes the night before) so much that it’s been on our family menu a few times since then! (continued from outside)

The following week during the Swim Awards Banquet Samantha was awarded Wounded Warrior as one of six kids with a broken bone this swim season and Kathryn won a surprise award with a few other cheerleading younger siblings for Swimmer in Training. It was the boost she needed, she then went on and passed her deep end swim test at the pool the next day!

September 2019

INSIDE : Name That Year Build Your Upper Body Strength Patient Success Spotlight

Tasty Recipe Fun & Games

Dr. Bekah, Dr. Sam and I headed up to Harrisburg, PA for a continuing education course. Attended class SaturdayandSunday, learnedandreviewedsomegreat techniques to help arms and legsmove and feel better! Saturday eve we, with Sam’s girlfriend Alissa, went to Hershey Park. I haven’t ridden a coaster in 20 years! After a weather delay, we rode 5 coasters! Gran and Pop babysat the girls. They went to the movies to see Lion King, had so much fun, they went to see Aladdin the next day! Everyone voted Aladdin was the fave!

Samantha has a beautiful Jack-O-Lantern grin after losing teeth #7 and 8... We attended an Oriole’s game for National Hot Dog Day, each of us getting a Ketchup, Mustard, or Relish Giveaway T-Shirt. Which would you choose?

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