
JAN l 'l \942


The Revelation of Jesus Christ

taken from him. The judgments that will culminate in the personal, bodily, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth will run their course; and the Son of God Himself shall take the reins of government in His own hands. He will sweep the earth clean, and in that day the kingdoms of the earth shall become the kingdom of God and His Christ. 7. The Seventh Se~l (8: 1~~ As we have seen~lrde~ the seventh seal follows a pa~- enthetical vision, rec r in chapter seven; and as it 1s opened, the seven tru judgments are proclaimed. "And whe~~d opened the seventh seal. there was silence in heav=~t the space of half an hour. And I saw the · seven ._:vw~ 0 ich stood before God; and to them were given seven pets. In our next lesson we shall consider this parenthetical vision; then will follow the study of the seven trumpets. Let us be faithful in reading the chapters themselves, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us these deep and searching truths. Then we shall go out "into all the world," warning men to "flee from the wrath to come," introducing them to our gra­ cious Lord and sympathetic Saviour, who is also a holy and righteous Judge.


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