
104 The Revelation of Jesus Christ -w-orld. But because God never leaves Himself without a wit­ ness, He will, in that day when there is no longer a believing church in the world, take the veil of blindness from the eyes of the 144,000 Jews. They will see the Word of God as they have never seen it; the veil will be lifted, and those Jews ·will be the witnesses for God upon the earth during the reign of the Beast. And let me add this-the 144,000 will not be taken from the so-called Reformed Jews. Those who are in that move­ ment do not believe anything, really. They have gotten away from the faith of their fathers; they do not believe in the prophets and patriarchs of the Old Testament; they have taken up the teaching of men like Spinoza, and call them­ selves Reformed Jews. But the 144,000 will be orthodox Jews, those who are looking for the Messiah. I was talking to a Jew sometime ago, and in the course of the conversation I asked him if he believed the writings of Moses. "Yes," he answered, "I believe them." "Do you believe that a Messiah is going to come?'' "Yes, I do." "And that the Messiah, God's Son, is a real Person?" "Yes, I believe that," was his reply. There are in the world today thousands of old-time, orthodox Jews. They are the ones who are going back to Palestine. When the church is gone, God will take the veil of blindness from their eyes; and from out of each tribe will come 12,000 witnesses for Him. 2. Their Message-"The Gospel of the Kingdom." And now, what will the 144,000 redeemed children of Israel preach during the tribulation period? What will be their message? Are they going to preach what we preach today? No, they are not. We preach today the Gospel of the grace of God. Those who believe the Gospel of grace are made heavenly saints, and are members of the body of Christ. But that is not the message which will be preached by the 144,000. Theirs will be the Gospel of the kingdom. You will remember, in the Olivet discourse, when the dis­ ciples asked our Lord what would be the sign of His coming,

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