The Revelation of Jesus Christ
"If you read it in a book-no matter whose book-what would you do?" I asked. ''I'd hurl that book from me as I would a serpent!" "Suppose you found it in that book," I asked, pointing to "Science and Health!" . "Oh, you will never find it there!" she exclaimed. "I did not say you would find it, but suppose you should find it there?" "Then I'd never read the book again." I took the copy of "Science and Health," and turned to a certain page where Mrs. Eddy gives her statement concern ing the atonement. I read to her what Mrs. Eddy says, that the blood of Jesus Christ was of no more avail, when it was shed upon the cursed tree, than when it w~s flowing through His veins in daily life. I shall never forget the look that came into her eyes. "Does it say that, Mr. Talbot?" she asked. I showed it to her again; and when she read it, she dropped the book out of her hand. That girl left a will with a strange clause in it, instructing that her funeral service should be in charge of the Christian Science Church to which she belonged, that they should have their pallbearers and soloists, but that I should get up there and tell them what I told her! None of these damnable doctrines can touch the elect of God in that day of tribulation which is to come, either. The elect are the faithful Jewish remnant. But what about the rest of the world? What about those who have not the seal of God in their forehead? Of them it is said: "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Their souls will be filled with an anguish far worse than any physical anguish could be. "And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses pre pared unto battle." As another has said, these words speak of ~ e "~apidity" and "irresistibility" of the great system of false ooi:.trme that shall emanate from the pit. •·And on their heads were as it were crowns like gold."
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