THE Two WITNESSES (A Parenthetical Vision} 10:1-11:14
\V .! return now to the parenthetical vision already re forred to, between the sixth and seventh trumpets. The ninth ciia pter, which closes with the sixth trumpet judgment, pre sents a very dark picture, indeed. It would seem as though hcll were to be triumphant, and the whole world to be given oYer to the forces of evil. However, we know that is not to be t:Je case. that eventually the Son of God shall triumph over all of His foes. And chapter ten, the beginning of the paren thetical vision, which is our lesson today, gives us a graphic picture of the triumphant Son of God. Let us examine it carefully: THE "MIGHTY ANGEL" "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire" (verse 1). The Word of God has much to say about angels. Some people have a very mistaken idea that those who die in the Lord become angels in glory, but that is not so. Angels are "ministering spirits"· (Heb. I :14). We find them mentioned many times in both the Old and New Testaments. But there is one Angel that stands out among them all-The Angel of Jehovah. Now I would have you remember that when you find mention in the Scriptures of "The Angel of Jehovah," the "Angel of God," the "Angel of His presence," these titles refer, not to a created angel. but to the Son of God Himself, before His incarnation. The "Angel of the Lord" appeared to Abraham, wrestled with Jacob, spoke to Moses upon the mountain. and met Joshua before the children of Israel went into the Holy Land. . In the period of time represented by the great tribulation, God will again be dealing with Israel; and He will naturally
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