
133 The Revelation of Jesus Christ enough, as we believe, deal with them as He did in the Old Testament days, exercising over them a ministry similar to that which He exercised before He came into the world as a Child at Bethlehem. Of course, when the Lord Jesus Christ returns in glory, planting His feet upon the mount of Olives, then the nation of Israel will have a full revelation of Him, recognizing Him as the Son of God, their Messiah. But until that time, He will protect them without their knowing that He is the Son of the living God, the Lord Jesus Christ. JOSEPH-A TYPE OF CHRIST Joseph is a type of the Lord Jesus. You will remember that, while Joseph was in Egypt, there occurred seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine. The seven years of plenty foreshadowed the age of grace, while the seven years of famine speak of the period of tribulation. During the seven years of plenty, Joseph was becoming a power in Egypt. His brothers had sold him into Egypt; but from then on until the lean years came upon them, we do not read anything else about the brothers of Joseph, those broth­ ers who had sold him. They thought that was the end of him, as far as they were concerned. They never dreamed that he would become a great and mighty ruler in Egypt. Likewise, when Jesus was nailed to the cross, the Jewish nation thought that was the end of Him; but God raised Him from the dead, and gave Him a name "above every name." Although they do not now recognize Him as Lord and Saviour, the day will come when they will see Him and realize that He is the Messiah, for whom they have been looking through the centuries! There were seven years of plenty. Then came the seven lean years. And when Jacob "saw that there was corn in Egypt," he said to his sons, "Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get ye down thither." You remember the story-how Joseph looked after the welfare .of his brethren without their knowing who he was, and how he finally re­ vealed himself to them. In like manner, after the day of grace has ended, the seven "lean years," the tribulation years will run their course; and at the close of that awful period of tribulation, the One whom the Jewish nations know as "The

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