138 The Revelation of Jesus Christ derstand the things that have taken place in our lives. "The mystery of God" will be finished. But until that time comes, we must walk by faith, holding fast to God's promises, remembering that "all things work to gether for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28). Often people whose hearts have been broken by some tragedy ask the question, "Can't you give us just a little light on this mystery?" I have a dear friend in Chicago. In the days before we became friends, his wife was in Christian Science. Had God not saved her soul. she would have become one of the leaders in time, because she was studying this cult with all her heart. She came one day to hear me preach and became interested. After hearing the sermon, she said, "I have heard you preach, and now will you come up and hear a lecture at my church?" I went at her request. A few weeks later I preached on the theme, "Will You Always Resist the Holy Spirit as Your Fathers Did?" I was about to pronounce the benediction and bring the service to a close, when a member of my church said, "Do not close the meeting; I feel sure there is someone here who wants to accept the Lord Jesus Christ." I yielded to that request, and gave the call. Down the aisle·came the woman who was interested in Christian Science. She was weeping as though her heart would break, and that morning she "passed from death unto life." Her husband was a Chicago dentist, with a large staff of assistants; but in spite of his success. in spite of his standing, he was a drunkard. His wife said that he had spent thou sands of dollars for drink, and that he gambled and indulged in excesses of every kind. She asked me to do what I could for him. To make a long story short, I met him. His appear ance startled me, for he was a big man. I almost lost the thread of my discourse the first time I saw him in my con gregation! When the service ended, he just walked out; but the day came when he went down to the altar, in a tent where I was preaching, and was marvelously saved. Now he is teach ing young Christian volunteers for the mission field how to
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