
10 ·The Revelation of Jesus Christ mind, saying, "Hath God said ... ?" In the very beginning the devil attacked the Word of God. Through the ages men have asked that same question; and sad to say, even many ministers of our own generation are nothing but walking ques­ tion marks in regard to the Word of God. After asking, ..Hath God said ..• 7" Satan added to and took away from the Word of God. In Revelation we read these words: "If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written In this book." (Rev. 22:19). In spite of that awful ·warning, men have gone blindly on, adding to and taking from the Word of God. All the turmoil and confusion in the world today have resulted from Satan's attack upon the eternal Word of God. As Genesis is the book of the beginning of all things, so Revelation is the book of the consummation of all things. "THE REVELATION OP JESUS CHRIST" As we enter upon the study of this last book of the Bible, let us carefully consider the title. We can better understand its message and its content if we understand its name. The Bible which I have in my hand calls this book "The Revelation of St. John the Divine," whereas the opening verse gh;'es us the correct, the God-given title, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." Now we know that men have often given titles to the books of the Word of God which do not fully apply to the messages contained in them, and here we have an example of this very thing. Likewise, men have divided the books into chapters; sometimes according to logical divisions; sometimes in such a way as to divide portions which ought not to be divided. We are grateful for the convenience of chapter and verse divisions; they aid us immeasurably in locating pas~­ ages. But we need to remember that it was not until John Wycliffe made the first English translation of the Bible in the fifteenth century A. D. that the Scriptures were divided into chapters. And it was still later, in the time of the Puritan Party, that the Geneva Bible first gave to the world verse divisions.

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