"THE WOMAN, THE MAN CHILD, AND THE DRAGON" 12: 1-17 In a previous lesson we observed that, although the seventh trumpet judgment, recorded in 11: 15-18 takes us on to the end ·of the tribulation period; yet with 11 :19 the Holy Spirit goes back to give in the succeeding chapters further details regarding the great tribulation. This method of pre senting a truth is frequently used by the Spirit of God, throughout the Scriptures. The late Rev. James M. Gray. D.D., called it "the law of recurrence, whereby God first states a truth in outline, then goes back to fill in details." It is a good method of teaching in any field.....-and, indeed, what methods can excel or even measure up to those used by the Master-Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God? Let us remember also that the Bible was not divided into chapters and verses when it came from the hands of the in spired writers; and the logical beginning of the section upon which we are to enter in our study today is 11: 19, introducing, as it does, chapter twelve. We shall see as we look into this passage that it has to do with the woman, Israel; the Man Child, Christ; and the Dra gon. Therefore, it is entirely in keeping with the theme that the opening verse of this division should speak to us of "the ark of his covenant," the symbol of God's covenant-relation ship with His chosen people. He will not fail to keep every promise; and, in fulfilling His covenant of promise, He will have to execute judgment upon "the dragon ... that old serpent, called the Devil. and Satan." Hence the "lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail" of 11 :19. These things speak of judgment. And Satan, together with all his hosts, must be judged for persecuting God's covenant people. It is helpful. in getting an outline view of this portion of the book, to note what others have said about it. The Scofield outline presents "the seven personages"; and, as we have al-
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