153 The Revelation of Jesus Christ shout-and with what else? "With the voice of the arch angel." The Archangel Michael is going to be connected with the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. With a "shout" Christ shall call the sleeping dead in Christ to rise, and the living to be changed. And with Him will be associated the Archangel Michael. possibly in connection with the resurrection of the Old Testament saints. At any rate, he is the champion of Israel. He contended with Satan over the body of Moses; and Moses was an Israelite. THE WAR IN HEAVEN The Word of God tells us that the devil is "the prince of the power of the air," and he is also the master of the heav ens. "We wrestle not," says Paul. "against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (the heavenlies, R. V.)" (Eph. 6: 12). Many people think the devil is in hell; but he has not been in hell yet, and will not be there for some time to come. The devil is very much in evidence in Los Angeles today. He now has the con trol of the first heaven and the second heaven. The Word of God tells us about three "heavens." Paul wrote, "I was caught up to the third heaven." The first heaven is where the birds fly, where the clouds move; the second heaven is where the stars are, where the moon is; the third heaven is God's dwell ing place. The devil and all of his angels are in possession of the first and second heavens. But when Michael comes with the Lord Jesus Christ to awaken the dead, and we are caught up to meet Him, the church of Jesus Christ will be caught right up into the territory of the devil in all of his power; and the Word of God says that there shall be "war in heaven." In that day the devil is going to be cast out of the heavens. Now you may ask, "Does the devil have access right now into the presence of God?" Yes, my friends, he does. We learn that from the book of Job. (See also Zech. 3:1, Luke 22:31- 32). What does he do there? He is the accuser of the brethren. Whenever you and I sin and break the Word of God, the devil immediately enters into the presence of God, and there he accuses us, points out to the great Ruler of this universe that "the wages of sin is death," and demands that death shall be executed upon the offender. But we have at
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