

The Revelation of Jesus Christ 2. The little horn "had eyes 2. To the beast "was given and a mouth that spake a mouth speaking great very great things." things and blasphemies." 3. The little horn: "He shall 3. The beast: "He opened speak words against the his mouth in blasphemy Most High." against God." 4. The little horn: "He shall 4. The beast: -"And it was wear out the saints of the given to him to make war Most High." with the saints and to overcome them." 5. The little horn's time of 5. The beast has power for domineering power is "a 42 months (3½ years). time, and times, and div- iding of times." You see from this parallel that the same things are said of the beast in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation as are said of the "little horn" in the seventh chapter of Daniel. They must, therefore, be identical. In a word, after the church has been translated, there will arise in Europe a mighty dictator. He will be the dictator of dictators. He will weld the nations occupying the territory of the old Roman Empire into a ten­ kingdom confederacy. Ten subordinate kings will be under his direction. These kings will not be of the type represented by King George of England, but rather like unto men such as Mussolini, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, and Hitler. The "man of sin" will have his throne in the city of Rome, and for seven years (the seventieth week of Daniel) he will continue as the last Cresar. During the first three and a half years, he will make great promises. The last three and a half years will be the time of bitter persecution against all those who do not pay him divine honors and receive his mark. One of these days, one must either bow the knee to God's Christ or to the devil's counterfeit. In the meantime, may God enable us, in this time of great temptation, to put forth every effort to make Christ known as the only One who can satisfy the needs of the human heart. We are on the threshold of the time when the church will be taken away, and the devil shall be in control, bringing out of the turbulent sea the re­ vived Roman Empire. (Mussolini has already declared that

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