
13 The Revelation of Jesus Christ this last book of the Bible. Nor did God say, "Blessed is he that understandeth." He said, "Blessed is he that readeth." I think I know why. Perhaps it was because He foresaw that, as the end of the age drew near, men would neglect this last book of the Bible more than any other, vainly trying to excuse themselves by saying that it is too difficult to under­ stand, that it is too full of symbols. But that is not the real reason why many, even Christians, neglect this book. It is the devil who has turned thousands of people away from this portion of God's Word. Why? Do you think the devil desires us to read a book which tells how he himself is to be cast out of heaven, bound in the bot­ tomless pit for a thousand years, and eventually cast into the lake of fire, to "be tormented day and night for ever and ever"? Do you suppose he wants men and women to read a book that tells what his punishment is to be? I think not. As you read in Revelation of his coming doom, you are not surprised that he has persuaded many people not to read the book at all. Again, there is yet another reason why Satan has per­ suaded people not to read this last portion of the Bible, and that reason is this: Revelation tells us of the coming glory of that self-h.umbled One, the Son of God. It is the book which tells us that He will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; and that one day He will take the sceptre in His hand, to rule from sea to sea over a purified and Satan­ delivered earth. It is no wonder the devil has tried to per­ suade people that it is useless to try to understand this book. But God foresaw all this; therefore, He opened its message with a promise of blessing for those who read it. Then read it, my friend; hear it; believe it; and God says your soul will be blessed. · I once heard Dr. L. W. Munhall, who recently went to be with Christ, say that he read it once every six weeks, for he wanted the promised blessing. Is it any wonder he was used of God to lead hundreds of never-dying souls to Christ? Now it is true that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols. Then someone will ask, "And who will interpret these symbols?" Our answer is that every symbol used in Revelation is explained by some other portion of the Word

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