
187 The Revelation of Jesus Christ Whether the fulfillment of these words will be spiritual, or physical, the fact remains that the judgments which they describe will be terrible. I want to say that I believe, when you come to the study of the seven last plagues, you will find a great deal connected with them, the meaning of which only those living upon the earth at that time will ever know. But it seems to me that, while there is a great deal in this book that is symbolical, yet, when you come to this portion, you find that it is so like that section in Exodus wherein we find de­ scribed plagues that we know were physical, that the reason­ able conclusion is that these things are not spiritual, but physical, and that the bodies of men in that day will actually be smitten with an awful sore. You will remember that. when the children of Israel were down in Egypt. Almighty God, through Moses, meted out the plagues upon their enemies, and all cattle and all men were smitten in their bodies with boils. In our day, the hearts of men have been steeled against God; they have rejected His Word; and it will be more so in that coming day. Under such circumstances, there is always a let-down of the morals of men. When you take the fear of God away from the eyes of men and women, when God goes out of the life, in nine out of every ten cases morals go as well. The Lord Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall it be when the Son of man cometh." In the days of Noah corruption and violence filled the earth. Surely our own civilization is rushing head­ long toward that same state of affairs. THE SECOND VIAL "And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and It became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea" (16:3). Whether that is physical, or spiritu~I. my friends, the desolation is terrible. Yet I do not see any reason why it could not be physical. There in Egypt, God not only smote the bodies of those men, but He turned the waters of Egypt into blood. In like manner, it seems that in this day when God speaks to the nations, He is going to turn the great seas of the world into blood like "the blood of a dead man." In that time of God's righteous judgment of sin, it will be made known to

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