LECTURE XIV THE SCARLET WOMAN HER FINAL APOSTASY. FALL. AND DESOLATION 17:1...-19:4 In the last, tragic world-drama of "the things which shall be hereafter" ( Rev. 1:19); that is, after the translation of the church, forever to be with the Lord-in this approaching. ter rific drama of sin and blood and tears, one of the chief "per sonages" will be "the great whore ... MYSTERY, BABY LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." As we shall see from this study of Rev. 17:1-19:4, the "great whore" which John saw, "a woman ... upon a scarlet coloured beast," is a symbol of none other than apostate Christendom in its final form. This spectacular organization will include those, both Catholic and Protestant, who profess the name of Christ, yet deny "the faith once for all delivered unto the saints." The true church is called by the Spirit of God the bride of Christ; and Satan, ever offering a counterfeit religion in imita tion of the true, will present to the world a false system, called by the Holy Spirit "the great whore." What a contrast in these two scriptural terms! The bride of Christ, cleansed from every stain, from all defilement, by the shed blood of her Bridegroom and Lord, will be "to the praise of his glory" throughout the endless ages. But "the great whore," "full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication," will meet her just and fearful and eternal doom before Christ returns to earth with His bride to set up His millennial kingdom. It is the God-given picture of the final apostasy and Satan-inspired power of "the great whore," followed speedily by her fall and desolation, that we are to study today. May the Spirit of God open our eyes to see these "things which shall be hereafter," these things which are even now casting their shadows before them. Then may He send us out, as flaming evangels, to warn men to flee from the wrath to come. In Rev. 14:8 and 16: 19 we have found two brief refer ences to this false system and her coming doom:
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