The Revelation of Jesus Christ Protestant, will be caught away from this earth, when the Son of God returns and takes away the church. At that time there will be, upon the authority of God's Word, a great union of all the godless, Christless. bloodless sects and divisions of Chris tendom. All those in Protestant churches who deny the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious atonement, His bodily resurrection, and all the fundamentals of our faith, will doubtless return to the Church of Rome. In that day there will be in full bloom all the mysticisms that had their begin ning in Babylon. This union will doubtless be the channel through which the mysteries of Babel will continue. When John. in his vision, was shown "the great whore" in her final form, he was taken to a wilderness. You know what a wilderness is---a place where there is no water. If you want to see a spiritual wilderness, go to the countries to which we referred a moment ago, Mexico. to Central America, to South America, or wherever this woman, Rome, dominates. Again, I repeat it: I believe there are some, born-again Christians in the Roman Catholic Church; I have come in contact with some - of them. These, however, are saved in spite of the system, rather than because of it. In spite of its paganism, they have heard that Christ died for sinners. and are trusting in Him for salvation. In the wilderness John saw a woman, bedecked with silver and gold and pearls. Everything about her would emphasize the fact that she was not only wealthy. but that she was also wicked. When John saw her, the Word of God says he won dered with a great admiration. That word "admiration" gives a wrong impression. He did not "admire" this woman; he stood in wonderment, and this word is so translated in the Revised Version. He was amazed to see that the system, with which he himself was connected (for he was living in the first century of the Christian era, when the Christians were filled with the power of the Holy Ghost) would end in such discord. I do not want to say anything unkind; but if you read his tory, you will find that, as a result of the blending of the mystery religion with Christianity, a system was formed which was responsible for the Spanish Inquisition and the atrocities that were put into operation during the Dark Ages to stop men from reading the Word of God, especially during
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