204 The Revelation of Jesus Christ seventieth week of Daniel. The man who will bring about a confederation of civil power is also going to bring about a confederation of religious power. There will be a union of church and state of which we see foregleams even now in the dealings of Mussolini with the Vatican. In that day it will reach its fruition. Probably at the beginning of the latter half of the seventieth week of Daniel, the last three and one~ half years before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, this man in Rome, the Antichrist, will announce that he is God, and that no man dare worship any other God or make petition to any divine person. History has shown that since the days of Nebuchadnezzar, God oftentimes uses one evil thing to de~ stroy another; and just before God overthrows the Antichrist, He will put it into the hearts of th~ Antichrist and his ten sub~ ordinate kings to wipe this imitation of the bride of Christ from the earth. The nations in that day will take the very same attitude toward all religion that Russia is taking right now toward the Greek Catholic Church. If you should go to Russia, you would find there all the leaders of government, such as the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Army. But do you know who is one of the most important .figures in the government of Russia today? It is the man whose business it is to see to it that soon Russia will not hear a church bell and will not have a church service. During recent years literally hundreds of churches have been closed. The plan is to put a certain magazine called "The Journal Godless" into every home. "The Journal Godless" began to be printed in 1927. It has been in circulation for ten years. It has published millions of copies, not only in Russia, but in other countries also. By means of it, the godless leaders in Russia expect to wipe the church from the earth. It is rapidly gaining in favor, not only in Russia, but also in Spain. It is even in Mexico. God is giving to us a little taste of what this world is going to see in the coming time. A current paper of reliable source printed the following statement a few weeks ago, under the title, "New Anti~reli~ gious Move in Russia": "Press reports from Moscow on April 8, 1937, stated that the Communist Party of the Ukraine had announced a syste~
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