

The Revelation of Jesus Christ matic plan designed to stamp out religion. A school for train­ ing anti-religious teachers will be opened at Dnepropetrovsk in Central Ukraine by the party provincial committee as part of the scheme. Sixty persons will be given three months' in­ struction there, then sent out to the villages to organize anti­ religious work. Anti-religious leaders have been concerned recently, it' is stated, over the decline in membership of the Atheist League and the reported revival of religious influ­ ences. The newspaper 'Izvestia,' organ of the government, asserted an 'alarming decline' had been noted in the forces organized to stamp out religion in Soviet Russia." In ·the day when the political powers of the beast turn upon "the great whore" and "make her desolate," then and not until then this system, which is an abomination to God, will be judged. But her doom is certain, "for God hath put in their hearts (the hearts of the evil rulers of the tribulation period) to fulfill his will" ( 17: 17). My dear brother, you ·say that you are a Christian. If I should ask you how you know you are a child of God, you would have to give a better answer than to say that you were born in a Christian home or that you had been baptized or had gone to the Lord's table. If that is all you can give as a basis for your profession, you are going to be a sadly disappointed man one of these days. You can belong to a hundred churches; and if that is all, in the day when the saints of God go marching home, you will be left here upon the earth. I can­ not think of a disappointment greater than this-that a man or woman should be associated with church and religion and forms and ceremonies all of his or her life, and in that day be among those who shall say, "Open unto me," and to have Him reply, "Depart from me, I never knew you." Has there ever been a time, when you have knelt at the pierced feet of the Son of God and said to Him, "Lord Jesus, Thou hast died for me. I want to take Thee into my own life; and I now believe that Thy blood washes me of all sin"? Do you know the Lord, my dear brother? Is your religion real? Is it a Person? Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ?

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