
The Revelation ,of Jesus Christ


"CoME OuT op HER, Mv PEOPLE" "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (verse 4). In these words of warning God calls His born-again chil­ dren to "come out of her." It is the call to separation from this God-dishonoring system. The pathway of separation must be walked if the church of Christ is to exercise an influence for Christ in the midst of this perverse generation. This has been true of God's people all through the ages. The men who have exercised an influence for Him have been men separated from the corruptions of the world, including the corrupt religious systems of their.day. The call from heaven to "come out of her" was heard during the Reformation period, and during the tribulation period there will also be a warning given, lest men be deceived by her pretensions. This system is today making every effort to bring Protes­ tantism under its influence and thus destroy the work of the reformers. The Anglo-Catholic movement and similar organi­ zations within the professing Protestant bodies, bring one to a realization of the need of more "Protest-ants" with real cour­ age and conviction to stem this awful tide. . If we should ever retrogress; that is, if a union of Protestantism and Romanism should ever be formed, at that moment we should be com­ pelled to give up the Bible, because Rome has not changed one whit in her attitude toward liberty of conscience and freedom to study God's Word. Not only that, but we should also be compelled to exchange the great doctrine of justification by faith and all that it includes for the mysteries that were in­ vested in the wife of Nimrod, the consort of one of the mightiest apostates who ever lived in Old Testament days. Men like Luther, John Huss, John Knox, called mightily to the people to come out from the system and be separated from it. Let us lift high the torch which they have put in our hands, and magnify the grace of God, which alone brings salvation. We need to contend earnestly for the faith in this day when tens of thousands are wending their way back to spiritual bondage; from which the Gospel of the Reformers had de­ livered men.

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