
The Revelation of Jesus Christ "And to her was granted that she should be arrayed In line linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteous­ nesses of saints" (verse 8) .


You will note that here we translate the word "righteous­ nesses" according to the Revised Version, instead of using the singular "righteousness" of the King James Version. The plural word is the more accurate translation, and the "fine linen" symbolizes the righteous acts of those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Every believer has a righteousness which is imputed to him through faith; but the expression, "righteousnesses of saints," refers, not to the imputed righteousness, but rather to the deeds of righteousness for which the believer will re­ ceive his reward at the judgment seat of Christ. "The right­ eousness of God," which is ours by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a gracious gift. No sinner can work for it; he can only receive it by faith in the finished work of Calvary. But in Rev. 19: 8 the Holy Spirit refers to the right­ eous acts which the Christian does because he is a child of God. Dr. H. A. Ironside has given us an apt illustration of this blessed truth, comparing "the righteousnesses of saints," with which the bride of Christ will be clothed at the marriage sup­ per of the Lamb, with the "hope chest" of the prospective bride. Have you ever gone into a home, and found a girl there who was not out with the other members of the family having a good time, but was sitting quietly, in an armchair, working away on pieces of linen, and sewing for dear life? It was not hard to guess that a wedding was near at hand, and that the girl was preparing her trousseau. Well, my friends, the bride of Christ has her "hope chest," too, and of what is it fllled? It is filled with the fine linen, which typifies the "righteousnesses of saints." It is your part and mine, dear friends, to add our bit to the contents of that "hope chest." Have you stored up any "fine linen" to wear in that great day? Have you realized that you are to be a part of the glorious company which is to be His bride, and that you must prepare for "the marriage supper of the Lamb?" At a wedding on earth, the day is set; the wedding guests arrive; and someone begins to play the wedding march. What

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