The Revelation of Jesus Christ an embarrassment for the bride if she should fail to be ready! And what an embarrassment for the bride of Christ if, in that coming day, she should lack the "fine linen" which the be lievers who make up that heavenly bride must furnish! THE WEDDING GUESTS "Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb" (verse 9). Who are those "blessed" guests? They will not be the church, for the church is the bride. Whoever heard of a bride's receiving an invitation to her own wedding? The wedding could not take place with out her. But there are always guests. And so it will be when that heavenly marriage supper is set; guests will be invited. And who will they be? The Old Testament saints, the mar tyred Jewish tribulation saints, and that great mulitude of martyred Gentiles, which will come out of the tribulation period. John the Baptist will be there. You will remember that John called himself "the friend of the bridegroom" (John 3:29). The friend of the bridegroom rejoices when he hears the bridegroom's voice. And so, in that great day, there will be a multitude of "blessed" guests. "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus Is the spirit of prophecy" (verse 10). John was so overcome at the glorious vision which had been given him, that he fell at the feet of the messenger to worship him. But the angel told him not to do it, for he was his fellow-servant. That is what the angels are, ministering servants, ministering to the "heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1: 14).
While the marriage supper of the Lamb is taking place in heaven, the last days of the seventieth week of Daniel will be transpiring upon earth. The Antichrist will be doing his
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