

The Revelation of Jesus Christ worst. He will be trying to wipe from the face of the earth that nation through which the Son of God came into this world. You will recall how, when the children of Israel were cringing under the lash of the taskmaster in Egypt, they cried out to God. God heard that cry, and appeared to Moses in the burning bush, telling him that He had heard the cry of His people, and had "come down to deliver them." Again a cry will arise from the heart of the people of Israel; and in that day, when they are being crushed and per­ secuted by the Antichrist and his cohorts, they will, as a na­ _tion, remember again the God of their fathers. They will remember what God said, that when Israel travailed, she brought forth a Son; and in the midst of their agony and woe, they will cry aloud to God. That cry will pierce the air, and will rise to the ears of the Son of God. He will hear their cry for the Messiah, the Deliverer. And then will take place that glorious manifestation of the Son of God, when He will be revealed to a wondering universe. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a Bame of Are, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself" (verses 11, 12). You will recall that, when the first seal was opened, there came forth a white horse, and the rider went out, "conquer­ ing and to conquer." That rider was the Antichrist, the arch deceiver and counterfeit. But the rider referred to in the verses just quoted is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is "The Prince of Peace," but in that day He will go forth to judge and make war. He will not appear the second time as a suffer­ ing Saviour, but as a conquering King. His eyes will flame with indignation. Upon His head, which was thorn-crowned nineteen hundred years ago, will be many crowns. He will come as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and in His presence every evil-doer will tremble and quake. "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped In blood: and his name Is called The Word of God" (verse 13). Nineteen hundred years ago, He had a vesture dipped in

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