

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

"THE GREAT SUPPER oP Goo" 19:17, 18

And now we come to the awful description of that grue­ some feast which the Holy Spirit calls "the great supper of God" ( R. V.) There are four suppers mentioned in the Bible. God in­ vites you to the first three, but not to the fourth. If you accept His invitation to the first, you may go to the second, and you will be at the third, but not at the fourth. But if you refuse the invitation to the first, even though you dare present your­ self at the second, you will have no place at the table when the third supper is set; but you will be at the fourth. Do you know what the first supper is? "A certain man made a great supper"; but only "the maimed, and the halt, and the blind" were persuaded to attend (Luke 14: 16-24). That supper was used to typify the supper of salvation. It comes in this age. And why is it called "supper" instead of "dinner," or "breakfast," or lunch"? Because supper is the last meal of the day, even as "the great supper of God" will be the last meal of that coming day. We eat our supper; the sun goes down; night falls; the shadows lengthen. So also, when this age of grace, this supper of salvation, is over, the night will descend upon the world. The second supper is the Lord's Supper, where the be­ liever partakes of the emblems which represent the broken body and the shed blood of the Son of God. If you have ac­ cepted the invitation to the first supper, you have a right to sit at the table when the second supper is served. And if you are a Christian, you will surely be at the third, which we have already_described, "the marriage supper of the Lamb." And what is the fourth? Ali, it is that dreadful feast, to which the angel "standing in the sun" invited the "fowls that fly in the midst of heaven." "Come and gather yourselves together unto the great sup­ per of God; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the Hesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great" (verses 17, 18). My friend, you do not want to be at that dreadful supper.

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