

THE REIGN OF CHRIST ON EARTH THE ETERNAL DOOM OF SATAN THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT 20: 1-15 Our last lesson brought us to the close of that period known as the seventieth week of Daniel. even unto the return of Christ in glory to establish His millennial kingdom on earth. We have tried to make very clear, throughout our study of chapters four to nineteen, inclusive, that "the things which shall be hereafter"-that is, "after these things" of the present church age-will begin to come to pass the moment the church is translated. We have followed the God-given prophecy of the rule of the Antichrist, the brief triumph and certain doom of apostate Christendom, and the last world war, which will culminate in the visible, bodily return of Christ to the earth to reign. Let us repeat it for emphasis: These chapters, four to nineteen, cover the full scope of the seven­ tieth week of Daniel, which will witness the last vain efforts and utter defeat of Gentile world dominion. When the Lord Jesus returns to put an end to this satanic power, He will come as the smiting Stone of the second chapter of Daniel. This we have already considered in this series of studies. In other words, the vision of Dan. 2:44, 45 is identical with that of Rev. 19:11-21 . And now we come to the twentieth chapter of Revelation, with its message of a purified earth, the glorious reign of the Lord from heaven for a thousand years, and the eternal doom of Satan and of the wicked dead of all ages. Before our Lord can reign in righteousness and peace, the present godless civilization must be wiped out; and this will be accomplished when "the stone cut out of the mountain without hands" falls upon Gentile world power (Dan. 2 :44, 45). But some will ask: How can all the existing institutions

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