

The Revelation of Jesus Christ that the last century has built up be wiped out overnight? One illustration will give a faint idea of how such a thing is possible. Only a few years ago, the banking institutions of this nation were closed almost overnight. We little knew, the day before the banks were closed, how serious the finan­ cial situation in the United States had become. The thought­ ful person who witnessed that event can easily see how plans and institutions which nations have taken centuries to build can be wiped out suddenly, with little or no warning. This twentieth century civilization, with all of its boasted inven­ tions, is doomed to disappointment and destruction. How Almighty God can strike when He wants to! A California earthquake, two or three years ago, which lasted only about twenty seconds, did more than $30,000,000 worth of damage to property. God sometimes speaks to men in a voice of thunder, and this He will surely do when "the stone that smote the image" will become a "great mountain" and fill the whole earth. FROM THE RAPTURE TO THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM And now, before we consider the reign of "The Prince. of Peace," let us once more summarize the five chief events which must take place, in rapid succession, before our Lord's kingdom will be established on earth: 1. The church must be completed. When the last mem­ ber has been added to "the body of Christ," which is His church, then this age of grace will come to a close. God alone knows the number of believers necessary to complete His bride. It is a wonderful thought to me that He may use the sermon of some preacher, or the bit of personal work of some other Christian, to add the last member to that mystical body. of which He is the Head. And when that body is complete, this church age will come to an end. 2. The Lord must descend, and catch away the waiting church, in fulfillment of I Thess. 4: 16-18. · 3. The Antichrist must arise and rule. 4. ,The nation of Israel must be regathered in the land of Palestine.

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