The Revelation of Jesus Christ
city! That authority is to be exercised upon the earth when the Son of God is here as Sovereign. He Himself wi11 ru1e Israel through the twelve disciples; He wi11 ru1e the Gentile ~ati?ns through the church; and you and I _sha11 have author ity m that glorious kingdom, according to how faithful we have been while our Lord was away. Our bodies will be resurrection bodies; rea1, but without the limitations of the flesh, not subject to the Jaw of gravita tion. You will recall how, when the Lord Jesus Christ ap peared in the upper room where His disciples we.re gathered after His resurrecti_on, He appeared in their midst, "the doors being shut." Walls of wood and stone could not keep Him out. He told His disciples to handle Him, to fee] His hands, His feet, and His pierced side. They saw Him; they recog nized Him; and then He vanished out of their sight. Would you like to have a body like that? In Philippians 3:21, we read that He wi11 "change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is ab1e even to subdue all things unto himself." That is the sort of body we shaU have when we are back upon this earth, ruling and reigning in the kingdom of the Son of God. And we shall be able to travel. The speed that is made now will be as nothing compared with what shall be in that day. · "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us a kingdom, priests ( R. V.) unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen" (Rev. I :5, 6). 3. It Will Be a Time of Glory for the Nations of the Earth. Will there be glory for the so-called Christian nations, those nations that are now building their cities upon the foun dation of human blood? It is no wonder that God will speak in tones of thunder to the so-called Christian nations of the world. The Word of God tells us that in the day of the reign of the Antichrist, there will be nominally Christian nations to which God will send a strong delusion; but other nations will go into the millennium. Who are those nations? They are the great multitude which will be won to the Lord Jesus through
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