
233 The .Revelation of Jesus Christ. nounce the terrible indictment against them, which we read in Rev. 20:11-15. And throughout the endless ages they shall be tormented, because they rejected the only "Way" to God --the Lord Jesus Christ. . Of this awful s~ntence, the late Dr. I. M. Hald~man once wrote: "They will die the second time. From the second death there is no resurrection. They will be sent out into the wide universe into the 'outer darkness.• They will be 'wander­ ing·stars to whom the blackness ·of darkness is reserved for­ ever.' They will wander through this unlit darkness of eter­ nity as. derelicts of humanity, tossed upon an endless and shoreless sea; souls that have missed the purpose for which they w~re created-union and fellowship with God." Oh, my brother, I urge you once again to receive the Christ into your life who died for your sins and rose again for your justification, that you may, even this moment, have your name inscribed in the Lamb's book of life. Then the judg­ ment of the great white throne will have no terrors for you.

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