

. The Revelation of Jesus Christ the sea is clearly indicative of the passing away of national distinctions among people. Nations had their beginning at Babel, and were the result of the judgment of God upon the people's sin. In the new earth, all traces of sin will be forever blotted out. Consequently there will be no national distinc­ tions. The inhabitants of the new earth will be known as "men," not as "nations," even as 21 :3 clearly indicates: "The tabernacle of God is with men." The only people who will be preserved as a nation will be Israel: and they will be in the new earth as a memorial. Isaiah 66:22 makes this very clear. National distinctions among Gentiles, as we have said before, were the result of the judg­ ment of God. Not so, however, with the nation of Israel. Abraham was called, and the nation of Israel was formed from his loins, in order that the marvelous purposes of God might be fulfilled. And, in fulfillment of His promise to Abra­ ham, God gave to the world our Lord Jesus and the written Word of God-through the nation of Israel. 2. The "Bride Adorned for Her Husband" (verse 2). "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared -as a bride adorned for her husband." We _have already seen from our study of the nineteenth chapter that the bride of Christ is the church, and that the church is to be associated with the literal, but heavenly, city, in contrast with the false bride, the harlot, which was asso­ ciated with the earthly city, Rome. The bride and the city now descend, to be associated forever on the earth with God. As we contemplate this glorious future that is to be ours, surely we w.ould say, with Paul, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (I Cor. 2:9). 3. "Behold, IMake All Things New" ( verses 3-7). The conditions of life in the new earth are described in the words which follow: "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God ls with men, and he will dwell with them,

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