
240 The Revelation of Jesus Christ quite fitting that their name_s should be engraved upon the gates of the city, that city from whence they will receive all their instruction for the rule of the nations. 4. "Twelve Foundations" (21: 14). Again the names of the twelve apostles are inscribed upon those foundations. They were the first who were brought into this position and this relationship when the Lord Jesus Christ was rejected on earth by the nation of Israel. And their names will be as a memorial to their calling and to their ministry on behalf of their Master and Lord. 5. "The City Lieth Foursquare" (21 :15-17). The dimensions of the city are clearly given. Twelve thousand furlongs is equivalent to 1,500 miles. The descrip­ tion would indicate that the city is in the form of a cube, 1,500 miles in each direction, a solid cube of golden construction. It would stretch from farthest M•aine to farthest Florida; from the shores of the Atlantic ocean to Colorado. It would cover all Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Prussia, European Turkey and half of European Russia taken _together. What magnitude! 6. "All Manner of Precious Stones" (21: 18-21 }. We are told that "the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones." These are the same stones that God told Moses to put in the breast­ plate of the high priest. On each stone was engraved the name of one of the twelve tribes. And as the high priest min­ istered before the Lord, these names were verily upon his heart. Our Great High Priest knows us by name; and to Him we are precious! The streets of this celestial city are of "pure gold, as it were transparent glass," reminding us that divine righteous­ ness will be the ground of our salvation. The finished work of Calvary has made this possible. 7. "No Temple Therein" (21 :22). There is no temple .in that city, "for the Lord God Al­ mighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." Nothing will hinder our access to God. "The veil of the temple was rent

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