The Revelation of Jesus Christ (John 8: 12). And again, He said to His disciples, "Ye are the light of the world" (Matt. 5: 14). Our business, as Chris tians, is to let a lost world see the Light which "hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (II Cor. 4: 6). The business of the church in the world is not to amuse people, not to give concerts, not to put a man in office, not to elect a president. The business of the church is to shine and reflect the light of the Son of God for darkened men and women to see. If your testimony is not honoring to the Lord, if mine is not, then we are failing to carry out His great plan for our lives. The lampstands were made to burn. What do your friends and loved ones think of your profession of faith? If your office force should see you this afternoon, coming to the Church of the Open Door with a Bible under your arm, would they say, "I did not know you were reli giously inclined"? Vvould they think that of you? The Son of God in the glory is exercising His High Priestly work in our behalf, in order that under every cir cumstance we may be able to shine for Him in this dark world of sin. The redemptive work of Christ is finished. That work was done on Calvary; and nothing can be added to it. But the risen Lord is occupied with His Great High-Priestly ministry of intercession for His blood-bought children. The Holy Spirit is in the world, convincing men of sin, of right eousness, and of judgment (John 16:8). But the Sori of God is in the presence of the Father, ministering to all those who have been washed in His blood. Consequently, John sees Him, as the Great High Priest, standing in the midst of the candlesticks, watching them burn, ministering unto them, that their light may shine brightly. The ·story is told of a little kitchen girl. whose duty it was to polish the silver. Georgia Willis was her name. One day, as she rubbed a knife vigorously, she was singing the chorus familiar to us all: "Jesus bids us shine With a clear, pure light, Like a little candle Burning in the night; In this world of darkness We must shine, You in your small corner, And I in mine."
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