

The Revelation of Jesus Christ "What do you rub at them knives forever for?" Mary said. Mary was the cook. "Because they are in my corner," Georgia said brightly. •• 'You in your small corner,' you know, 'and I in mine.' I'll do the best I can-that's all I can do.'' "I wouldn't waste my strength," said Mary. "I know no one will notice." "Jesus will," said Georgia, and then she sang again­ "You in lour small comer, And in mine." "This steak is in my corner, I suppose," said Mary to herself. "If that child must do what she can, I s'pose I must. If He knows about knives it's likely He does about steak," and she broiled it beautifully. "Mary, the steak was very nicely done today," said Miss Emma. · "That's all along of Georgia," said Mary, with a pleased, red face, and then she told about the knives. Miss Emma was ironing ruffles; she was tired and warm. ••Helen will not care whether they are fluted nicely or not," she said, ''I'll hurry over them"; but after she heard about the knives she did her best. "How beautifully my dress is done," Helen _said, and Emma,. laughing, answered, "That is owing to Georgia"; then she told about the knives. · "No,'' said Helen to her friend who urged, "I really can­ not go with you this evening. I am going to prayer meeting; my corner is there.'' _ "Your corner! What do you mean?" Then Helen told about the knives. "Well," said the friend, "If you will not go with me, per­ haps I will go with you," and they went to the prayer meeting. "You helped us ever so much with the singing this eve­ ning"-that was what their pastor said to them as they were going home-"I was afraid you wouldn't be there.'' "It was owing to our Georgia," said Helen. "She seemed to think she must do what she could, if it were only knives.'' Then she told him the story. "I believe I will go in here again," said the minister, stop-

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