

The Revelation of Jesus Christ them shine for His glory. He does not exact great deeds, but He does want to see a consistent Christian life in His blood-bought child. And nothing is too small for his notice. Even "a cup of cold water" given in His name shall not lose its reward.


Now let us read again verses 13-18, a marvelous portrait of our risen Lord. On the mount of transfiguration Peter. James, and John caught a glimpse of His eternal glory. In His High-Priestly Prayer, recorded in the seventeenth chap­ ter of John, Christ spoke of the glory which He had with the Father "before the world was." Repeatedly He referred to it in His teachings. And in His post-resurrection ministry His disciples saw Him in His glorified body. They saw Him ascend into heaven in power and majesty and glory. But in Rev. 1 : ·13-18 we read the most detailed and graphic descrip­ tion of Him, "whom having not seen," we "love." We cannot read it too often. And every detail speaks eloquently of His present ministry for us, His redeemed children. Let us note the picture carefully: His Dress. "I saw ... one like unto the Son of Man, · clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle" (Rev. 1 : 12, 13). When Jesus was upon the earth, He served. Before He went to the cross, He took water in a basin and washed His disciples' feet. When He came to Peter, Peter objected; but the Lord told him that -what He did then, that disciple knew not, but should know hereafter. He was saying, in effect, "You do not understand it now, Peter; but this is just a picture of what I am going to do for you when I go back into the presence of the Father." John beheld the risen Lord wearing the priestly robe and the golden girdle-a reminder of His eternal deity, for gold speaks of the deity of His Person. I am so glad there is a •·Man in the Glory" who is also God, and that He is living for me! When my light flickers and fails to burn, He feeds it, that I may give a good testimony for Him. ,And for nearly two thousand years He has been interceding for His church. What a ministry! "He ever liveth to make intercession" for His bride (Heb. 7 :25).

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