The Revelation of Jesus Christ
His Hair. "His head and his hairs were white like wool. as white as snow" (Rev. 1: 14). This description of the Lord is like that of Daniel 7:9-13, particularly verse 9: "And the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool." Who is the "Ancient of days"? He is none other than the Jehovah of the Old Testame,nt. In other words, the God of the Old Testament became a Man nearly two thousand years ago, "God ... manifest in the flesh" (I Tim. 3: 16). His "goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2). The description of the hair of the glorified Son of Man, as John saw Him in the midst of the candlesticks, is another reminder of His eternal deity. His Eyes. "His eyes were as a flame of fire" (Rev. I: 14). When the Son of God was upon this earth. John saw His eyes filled with tears-when He was at the grave of Lazarus, when He yearned over Jerusalem. But now he sees the risen Christ. and His eyes are like a flame of fire. They penetrate into the deepest depths of the soul; they see every thing in your life and mine. We cannot hide hypocrisy from Him. He knows it when our lamps are burning brightly, and He knows it when our love is growing cold. His Feet. "His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace" (Rev. 1:15). Brass represents judgment. The altar in connection with the Jewish tabernacle, upon which sacrifices were placed, was made of brass. The feet of the Son of God likened unto brass speak of the day when He shall put His enemies and every evil power, even death itself, beneath His feet. His Voice. "And his voice as the sound of many waters" ( Rev. 1:15). Perhaps you have heard the roar of the sea as, at times, it has been lashed by the winds in their fury. The voice of the Son of God is likened unto that. Then again, there are times when the water is not so stormy, wheQ the sound of running waters is like music to the ear. Today the voice of Jesus is speaking to the world. All the power of His wonderful voice is now being exercised in the saving of men. At some time in the future, in response to the voice of the Son of God, all that are in the graves will come forth, some to everlasting life and others to everlasting condemnation.
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