

The Revelation of Jesus Christ "He That Liveth, and Was Dead" and "Is Alive for Evermore" ( verse 18 )-our crucified and risen Lord Jesus. As we add to these the references to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, already mentioned in this lesson, we see a graphic picture of what "the Revelation of Jesus Christ" will be; for "in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9). When we see Him coming in glory, we shall be reminded of Calvary-note how often throughout the book He is called "The Lamb," or "The Lamb that was slain." We shall be reminded of Calvary and of the empty tomb. "This same Jesus" who died for us is the eternal God who will be revealed in power and great glory when He comes again to reign. "Behold, he cometh with clouds." My friend, have you, by faith, beheld the vision of the Son of God, crucified, risen, interceding for His own, and coming again in glory? "What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ?" Upon your answer to this question rests your destiny-for time and for eternity.

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