

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

He said, "This is the greatest potato land in all the world." "In all the world?" I asked. "Why do you say that?" He replied, "Come with me, and I will show you some­ thing. It is just about time for the harvest." We got out of the car, and walked into the field. The plants were drooping; their leaves were withered. "Now watch," said my friend. He reached down, got hold of one of the plants, and began to pull. Up it came, up, up, until finally the ground gave way, and out came the plant. I looked, and saw potatoes hanging to the roots, but there were a lot of things besides potatoes. Pieces of mud, sticks, and stones, all clung together with the potatoes. My friend gave the plant a good shake. The pota­ toes hung on; but the mud, the sticks, the stones, everything which was not a part of the potato vine itself dropped off. That little incident is a striking illustration of what will happen one of these days, when the Son of God shall come to catch away His church. When He reaches down to lift out His own, those who are united to the vine will not be shaken loose; but those who cling there solely because of profession, a profession which is not based on a living faith in the Son of God, shall remain on earth, to be swept into that terrible time that will begin with the translation of the church. Till that time, wheat and tares will "both grow together until the harvest." The lukewarmness of the professing church will wax worse and worse; divine patience will be exhausted; then it is that He will call His own. The voice which bade John "come up hither" (Rev. 4: 1 ) will bid the true church "come up." My friend, if you are to be among those who shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, you ·must have some­ thing more than a mere profession here and now. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31.). If you have faith, even though it is like unto a grain of mustard seed, and believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again for your justification, you will be among that rejoicing throng that will rise to "meet the Lord in the air." These are the messages of the living Christ to "the seven churches which are in Asia," typical of the seven periods of all

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