The Revelation of Jesus Chri5t
happened, that every child of God has disappeared. Do you ask me, "What are you looking for day by day?" I am waiting for a door to open in heaven, and for a voice to say, "Come up hither." When that door opens, and when that voice bids the children of God "come," the countless saints, those who are dead and those who are living, will rise to meet Him in the air.
1. . That S ~n_'fl.!I.<J.!l_c;:;5-?!71e to a Head. As long as the churc_h is in the world, sin cannciC fome··to·--a head. The church 1s the salt of the earth, the light of the world: and there can never be complete apostasy while the salt is in the world, while the restraining influence of the people of God is in the earth, while the Holy Spirit hinders Satan's work through the saints in whom He dwells. Sin will come to a head in the person of Antichrist, but Satan cannot put the Antichrist into the world while the church of the Lord Jesus and the Spirit of God are in the earth. Therefore, when the church is com plete, the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the world with the church. Then sin will begin to mount up to its climax. 2. That the Church May.Escape the Judgments Which Will Sweep ·the · Earth;- When a nation goes to war with another nation, it always withdraws its ambassador. It sends word to him, and he goes home. That is the first step, the first declaration of war. Before the great judgments of God begin to sweep the earth, God is going to take His church out of the way. What a hope that isl Is anyone discouraged? Is anyone at a loss, which way to turn? My Christian friend, does life seem too hard to bear at times? The blessed hope is yours. Take courage, and look up, for the Saviour is coming again! The return of the Lord for His church has been the pole star of the saints through the ages; and God wants us to keep our eyes looking upward, expecting at any·moment and at any hour the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. One day I stood beside the bed of a dear, white-haired saint of God. He had his sons called in, and with his dying breath asked me to lead them in singing, "Shall We Gather at the River?" I shall never forget the look on that old man's
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