
73 The Revelation of Jesus Christ redeemed would be caught up, into the presence of God. To be among that company, one must be more than a church member. Baptism, unless it follows real regeneration, will be of no value. You may be a philanthropist, as the world rates philanthropy; you may fight for the prohibition ticket: you may do many things which the world would pronounce good, and yet be "spewed out" of the mouth of the Lord in that day. The only thing that will help is for you to have the living Christ enthroned in your heart-that One who gave you life, that One who gives you breath, that One who stands at your heart's door, knocking, knocking, and waiting the invitation to enter. Think of a man's keeping out of his heart the very Christ who created him and who keeps him alive! Are you that man? If you are, my brother, will you not receive Him tonight? Will you not allow the Son of God to take your heart, and wash away your sin? The day is coming when He will take Home all who have received Him. If the trumpet call should come tonight, those who accept the Lord Jesus even now will be among those who will rise to meet Him in the air. Will you be among that redeemed company?

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