
The Revelation of Jesus Christ


World War is nothing in comparison with what the ":'orld -will know during the time of the end. The tribulation will be brought to an end only by the personal, visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. To the careful student of prophecy Daniel and Revela­ tion go hand in hand. The one explains and throws a flood of light upon the other. Hence our turning aside, as it were, to see that both Daniel and John wrote of the same period of time, to which the Lord Jesus referred before He went to the cross, foretelling "the great tribulation" that is to come upon the earth. A grasp of this correlation of Scripture will help us immeasurably in understanding the vision which John saw on the Isle of Patmos. And now let us turn again to the.sixth chapter of Revela­ tion. We have already seen that the breaking of the seals does not take place until the church, the bride of Christ, has been taken out of the world, until the day of grace has ended. Then, and not till then, will the day of God's vengeance ~e executed; then, and not till then, will the door be closed m the face of sinful, Christ-rejecting nations of Christendom. Then will the seven-sealed book be opened by the Judge of all the earth. "THE. FouR HORSE.MEN OP THE. APOCALYPSE."-THE. FIRST FouR SEALS 1. The First Seal-The White Horse and the Antichrist ( verses 1. 2 ) . "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals ... and I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." Who is the rider upon the white horse that appears upon the earth when the Son of God breaks the first seal? Some hold that he is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is true that our Lord is portrayed as returning, riding upon a white horse; but we do not see Him until the nineteenth chapter is reached. The rider referred to in the verse just quoted is not the Son of God, but is that great personage whose portrait is shown

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