to test the claims of any professed revelation, and then to receive the revelation thus tested. Long ago Butler said .that reason is the only faculty for judging anything, even revelation, and there can be no authority that destroys human reason; there can be no authority that subverts and stultifies the mind that God has given us. The right of every man to verify is in alienable; it is a prerogative that is essential. "Prove all things," said the Apostle, as well as "hold fast that which is good." Indeed, it is only possible to hold fast that which is good, when we have proved it; and again and again St. Paul speaks of discernment. vVe are first to prove, then to approve. But this is very different from claiming that reason is the seat of authority. After all, reason is only one of several faculties, and all these have been affected by sin. Besides, there is such a thing as reality, independent of reason. vVhat is truth? Truth is not what / trow, though that definition, so etymologic ally suggestive, has often been given. No, truth is fact. Truth is not dependent upon the changing opinions of men. Truth is true whether I accept it or not. A thing .must be true before I can accept it as truth. So that rea son is not originative, not creative, it is only a channel. It is not a source, but a medium. Rea.son Not Creative Our reason never creates anything; it only weighs data, and settles things as the result of weighing them. Auth -0rity, therefore, is not against reason, but in accordance with reason; and so we conclude that reason is not the .seat of authority. Others say the Church is the seat of authority. vVell, .of course, we ask: \,Yhat Church? vVhere is that Church to be found? The Church in the fullest sense of the word is best described as "the blessed company of all faithful people;" and as such it is the product of Divine revelation. The Church came into existence on the day .of Pentecost by accepting Divine revelation. If we go Jurther back, the Jewish Church came into existence as
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