I have heard of a man who used to preach for the most part from the New Testament, and in particular from John and Romans. Occasionally he would wan der into Isaiah 53, but it is certain that if all his sermons for one year were counted and classified. his use of the Old Testament would be seen to be very small. Mr. Dale used to keep two slips of paper in his study, and put on them the subject and text of his sermons; then he would look at them from time to time, in order that he might preserve due proportion in his preaching. And it would be well for us to remember that the Old Testa ment, on any showing whatever, is full of the Lord Jesus Christ. IV. Christ in the glory of His Incarnation. Here we are concerned with the Gospels, and of course we must concentrate attention very carefully on them. We shall find in these, four pictures of the one Christ. A very interesting book by an American author describes the Gospels in these terms: Matthew gives the profile picture in the light of the Jewish past; Mark gives the steel engraving in view of the needs of the present; Luke gives the half-tone portrait, a blending of the humanity and the divinity; and John gives the life-size picture, in the fulness of His person and work. Or to refer to another author: 1fatthew is the Gospel for the Jews, Mark for the Romans, Luke for the Greeks, and Johr, for the whole world. Matthew demonstrates, Mark describes, Luke depicts, and John declares. And when you look at the life of Jesus Christ as a whole, you easily see the four marks or stages which were pointed out long ago by Dr. Stalker. I am not sure that I can remember his words exactly, but his idea is that the first year was the year of preparation, the second was the year of obscurity, the third was the year of popularity, and then the~e is the closing period of opposition. Thus we get the hfe of the Lord Jesus Christ. But now in particular let us think of the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. We notice in the first four chap-
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