wood to put together in a picture. He went out, and had to come back very soon, and to his surprise he found they had completed the puzzle. He asked them how it was they had done it so soon. One replied: "Oh, there was the picture of a man on the back, and so we knew how to do it." Just so with the Bible, the picture is the Lord Jesus Christ, and if we take that key we shall find we can fit it into every part of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. An American statesman was once asked by a friend, "Can you comprehend how Jesus Christ can be both God and man?" "No," said he, "I cannot, and I should be ashamed to do so, because if I could, I should know that He is no greater than myself." This is the truth of the Bible, "God manifest in the flesh," "God in Christ recon ciling the world unto Himself;" "God over all, blessed for ever." And the second part of the application is: We must proclaim this truth with all our hearts. The message of the Bible calls for proclamation. There must be the tes timony of our lips and the testimony of our lives. There must be what is called personal work, work done for souls as we bring to bear upon them the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the dangers of the Christian life, a possible danger to all, an actual danger in some cases, is the peril of appreciation without application, of reception without reproduction, of complacency without compassion. Some years ago I had the great joy of a sail over the Lake of Galilee. In the course of nine weeks I had only thrice had the opportunity of drinking water. I was warned to avoid it, but had been told that on Galilee I might drink of the water of the lake, and I did. I let down my cup again and again, and enjoyed the freshness of that water. Why? In the north it enters, and in the south it goes out; and because the lake is always taking in and always pouring out, it is fresh. A little while afterwards I went to the Dead Sea. But there was no possibility of drinking that water. It is charged with salt. What is the cause
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